Reformer Pilates - What is it?
Reformer Pilates - What is it?
The reformer was invented by Pilates founder Joseph Pilates. It is a bed-like frame with a flat platform on it, called the carriage, which rolls back and forth on wheels within the frame.
The carriage is attached to one end of the reformer by a set of springs, the springs provide choices offering different levels of resistance as the carriage is pushed or pulled along the frame.
The reformer accommodates full-range motion, stability challenges and resistance against the springs to increase flexibility, balance and strength of your entire body.
One of the best things about the reformer is its versatility. Exercises can be done lying down, sitting, standing, pulling the straps, pushing the footbar, perched on the footbar, perched on the shoulder blocks, upside down, sideways, and all kinds of variations.
Exercising with the reformer is possible for anyone, at any level of fitness.
The reformer can benefit everyone from teenagers to seniors and elite athlete to people with a more sedentary lifestyle.
The reformer work focuses on overall strength, coordination, and balance. These things, in turn, lead to daily life improvements like better posture and bone density, graceful and efficient movement, and for many, relief from pain associated with physical imbalances such as back pain.
Pilates has proven benefits for rehabilitation and support with;
Enhance strength and fitness to compliment running, biking, skiing and other sports
General conditioning and fitness
General well being - Improving flexibility, balance and posture;
Injury prevention
Joint reconstruction & replacement
Knee injuries & surgery
Shoulder pain and dysfunction
Muscle tears
Disc bulges & herniations
Building Strength into muscle groups important for pregnancy and postpartum
Low back Pain
Neck Pain
Neurological conditions
And reduce the negative impact of chronic pain conditions such as Arthritis, Diabetes and ageing.